full gospel造句
- The album closes with two songs featuring a full gospel choir.
- The church was renamed Yoido Full Gospel Church in the 1990s.
- Raised initially as a Full Gospel Bible College in Seoul.
- W57AO was owned by the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International.
- It was named the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship.
- This would eventually become the Full Gospel Church of God in South Africa.
- He says he hopes to make Full Gospel an economic vehicle for black people.
- It was named the Full Gospel Revival Center.
- More money for Mr Green's full gospel tabernacle church, I suppose.
- He registered his churches under the name, Malankara Full Gospel Church of God.
- It's difficult to see full gospel in a sentence. 用full gospel造句挺难的
- The Church is Evangelical, Catholic and Full Gospel in its theology and practice.
- Plans were laid and the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches & Ministers International was born.
- She is ordained as a minister by the Full Gospel Fellowship in Dallas, Texas.
- In 1936 Cook joined with the Full Gospel Church of God, Cleveland in America.
- It is also known as " Bethel Full Gospel Church of God ".
- Yoido Full Gospel Church can sometimes be mentioned with attendance numbers over 800, 000.
- And he's an active member of New Beginnings Full Gospel Baptist Church in Atlanta.
- Hundreds of well-dressed adults and children attended church Sunday at the Full Gospel Assembly.
- In 1999, his outpost of the Full Gospel Pentacostal Church had 1, 000 members.
- Elim decide to develop the prayer cell concept of Yoido Full Gospel Church, South Korea.
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